Kelly Finlaw

Kelly Finlaw

Kelly Finlaw is a 2006 graduate of Grace College with a degree in Art Education. Currently she is pursuing her M. A. in Urban Studies through Eastern University. Kelly is an art teacher, artist, sister, daughter, friend, and a generally perky person. She lives in NYC, where she walks to work everyday and loves her community, job, and neighborhood. She is also a professional visual artist that frequently paints murals, publishes prints, and doodles incessantly. Her heart is to see the renewal of all things and play her role in that through the arts. A registered Artist-on-Call with BuildaBridge, Kelly has completed volunteer projects in Philadelphia (2013), The Dominican Republic (2012 and Bogota, Colombia (2012).

The Hopeful City by Kelly Finlaw

A community in Bogota was concerned with open dumping at the end of a paved road that leads into the hills and the homes of the working class. Finlaw, as part of an Arts for Hope project assisted the children and families of the community in a "place-making" experience to clean up the area and paint a mural of hope they designed and painted.


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